We pay for many things that benefit or we think benefits us. Dirty house? Hire a house cleaner. Yard work? Hire a landscaper. Pool? Car? Plumbing? Meals? We pay for help in many areas of our lives. Some people with disorganized and poorly decorated homes hire professionals to come in, reorganize, and redecorate. Yet, many people have lives that are as cluttered, disorganized, and going nowhere as their homes are.
So why not hire a coach to help? You may think of several reasons. “I can do it myself,” one might say. “I don’t want anyone to know how bad it is,” another reflects. Still another might consider “I can call on my friends or family for advice.” You can, and you often do. My question is, “How’s that working for you?” And a better question, “How much more important is your life than is your landscaping?”